I recently read an article by the folks over at Digital Photography School on self-portraiture, and how doing self portraits is a fantastic way to improve your art as a photographer. What photographer doesn’t want to get better at his/her craft??
These are not the same as selfies… there is thought, framing, and imagination involved! I had a little time this morning, so I decided to give it a try. It was also an endeavor to practice getting the settings right in camera so I don’t have to edit, but alas, this was not the day for that. The shots may have turned out a little more like selfies, but it was fun to play around. I really like the way the black-and-whites turned out!
I’ll be doing some more practicing on this, with different lenses, different backdrops as summer rolls around! I’m hoping that I’ll have some extra time to do personal projects, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have time for YOU! If you’d prefer I take pictures of you and your cuties instead of awkward self portraits, let’s book a session! Click here to get things going. 🙂
Which do you like best?