Happy New Year! Do you know what this means?? It’s time for New Years Resolutions! Well, maybe for some of you. I’ve never been much for this tradition — either I can’t decide what I want to do ahead of time, or I guiltily jump into a plan because I’m supposed to, and promptly fall off.
But this year, I really want to improve my photography skills by shooting every day. One of the best ways recommended is to do what’s called a Project 365. By taking photos every day, I hope to learn to see beauty in the ordinary and learn to see things differently.
I’ll be posting a photo for each day. I may not get to editing them every day, but trust that I am shooting each day and will post once or twice a week! Since my other job is at a tutoring center, I am limited on what I can shoot there due to privacy concerns, so it will be interesting to learn how to see things I can shoot and have fun with it.
Here are the 1st four days of January!