Happy Friday, everyone! I have quite a treat for you today.
The topic of discussion for today is none other than the Iunghuhn family, who moved here last year from Minnesota. If the names or faces look familiar to you, it’s because I’ve photographed this family before. We caught some gorgeous colors last fall!

I was super excited when Shannon asked me to do Grayson’s 9-month photos! We had such a good time at our last session, despite an explosive diaper. (It made for a great memory!)
Grayson, while only 9 months old, is already quite the traveler! He has already been on 14 planes, 1 ferry, and a road trip from MN to CA! He brought his favorite lion to keep him company during our time together.

As expected, Mom and Dad did a wonderful job preparing Grayson for our session. We went with a casual outdoor theme as we were going to be shooting some outdoors and some in my home “studio” (it’s really my living room but with such beautiful light!). Everyone looked so comfortable and natural. Because my last session with the Iunghuhns went so well, I knew it wouldn’t be any different this time around. And I was right! Check it out for yourself:

Need more of this cuteness? The whole session can be found by clicking here.